What our learners says about us
The Data structure program was great job opener for me. From Oracle to Thoughtworks, with huge salary change happened in 30 days from program completion. I could solve java problems easily after this program. Highly recommended !!

Natraj Shanmugam
@BeforeTestLeaf, I hardly could solve leetcode or hackerrank problems. The DSA program with Babu made me comfortable to solve easy and medium leetcode comfortably with different O Notations at given time. Go for it without doubt.

From basic java knowledge, I could compete with my developer on system design to performance issues. It is because of the data structures deeper understanding & solving problems in multiple algo. Excellent Program for QA.

I wanted to be developer but deployed in QA. 3 years passed and this program provoked me to become developer. Solving each java problem in leetcode and hackerrank was too much of excitement and joy over time. Thanks TestLeaf.

I am java back-end developer and joined DSA program because of trust in TestLeaf and Babu. I solved 50+ problems in every data structure with multiple solutions with time and space complexity expressed. Looking forward !