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Playwright Training

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Unlock the power of Playwright JS Training

Playwright is an open-source tool developed by Microsoft that enables developers and testers to automate web browsers and perform tasks such as end-to-end testing and web scrapping. It is built on top of the popular web automation library, Puppeteer, and offers additional features, such as cross-browser support and the ability to simulate user input.

Learning to use Playwright can unlock the power of automation and save time and resources in your development and testing processes. With Playwright, you can quickly write scripts to perform tasks such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating pages on your website or application. You can also use Playwright to create comprehensive end-to-end test suites that ensure your application is functioning as expected.

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Learn Playwright JS training course along with live projects with 100% career guidance. We designed our course to help you become an expert.

12 Oct 2024



Playwright JS Training Features

Cross-browser support: Playwright can automate popular web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, allowing you to test your application across multiple platforms.

Ease of use: Playwright is built on top of the popular web automation library Puppeteer and offers a simple and intuitive API for writing scripts.

Debugging tools: Playwright includes a range of debugging tools to help you troubleshoot and fix issues in your scripts.

Performance: Playwright is designed for high-performance automation, with scripts running faster and more reliably than other tools.

Community support: Playwright is an open-source tool with a large and active community of developers and testers who contribute to its development and offer support and resources.

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by Upgrading Your Skills

    The #1 Playwright JS Training; Here's Why?

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How important is the Playwright JS Training?

Playwright JS training is an essential investment for developers and testers who want to optimize their workflows and improve the efficiency and reliability of their applications. Automating tasks such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating pages can save you time and effort, especially if you need to perform these tasks repeatedly. By learning to use Playwright, you can easily write scripts to automate these tasks and free up your time and resources to focus on more important tasks, such as developing new features and fixing bugs.

In addition to saving time and resources, Playwright's support for multiple web browsers allows you to easily test your application across different platforms, ensuring that it works as expected for all users. This is particularly important in today's world, where users access the internet on various devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. By testing your application across multiple browsers, you can ensure that it functions correctly and provides a seamless user experience for all users.

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Playwright's debugging tools are another important feature that makes it valuable for automation training. Debugging can be time-consuming and frustrating, but with Playwright's debugging tools, you can easily troubleshoot and fix any issues in your scripts. This saves you time and improves your application's reliability, ensuring it functions correctly for all users.

Short Bio about our Playwright JS Trainer

Prateek Parashar

Engineering Lead

Experienced SDET with solid experience in Playwright, Selenium, and RestAssured, with Java, Python, and TypeScript. Known for crafting robust automation solutions for UI and API testing in fast-paced environments, ensuring top-quality software delivery.

  • Playwright EXPERT
  • 10 Years of Experience

Best way to learn Playwright JS

Playwright JS is a valuable skill for developers and testers who want to streamline their workflows and improve the efficiency and reliability of their applications. There are several ways to learn Playwright, including online courses and tutorials, documentation and guides, and hands-on experience.

An effective way to learn Playwright is to follow along with documentation and guides provided by the Testleaf team. These resources usually offer detailed explanations of the Playwright's different features and functions and code examples to help you understand how to use them.

Launching Date: 12 Oct 2024 Enroll Now

Weekly Training Programs:

  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Conditional statements
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Arrow functions
  • Arrays
  • Call backs
  • Promises
  • Intro to TS and why TS
  • Installing and configure TS
  • Compiling and run TS
  • Typescript types
  • Type inference
  • Explicit types
  • Functions with type annotations
  • Enums in Type
  • Type assertion
  • Array type annotations
  • Recap
  • Setup new project in Playwright
  • Understand its architecture
  • Cover Key concepts (Context, Page etc)
  • Write a basic first test script
  • Selectors/Locators
  • Learn basic CSS syntax
  • Different ways to locate a DOM element (by title, by label, by role etc)
  • Write more scripts and perform actions like clicking, typing
  • Synchronization/Auto waiting
  • Learning assertion using expect library
  • Understand playwright configuration file
  • Headless/Headed mode
  • Debugging using pause mechanism
  • Deal with list of elements
  • Handle iframes
  • Shadow DOM
  • Alerts
  • Keyboard/mouse actions
  • File upload download
  • Tabs
  • Windows
  • Reading Data from (.env file, JSON file, csv file)
  • Storage state
  • Persistent context
  • Multi page
  • Multi-user context
  • Test suite structure
  • Reporter
  • Trace viewer
  • Video
  • Device emulation
  • Geo location
  • Reading console logs
  • Code gen
  • Playwright Inspector
  • Visual Testing
  • Why APIs?
  • Learn different API methods
  • API Request context
  • Handling API requests using PW
  • Handling API responses using PW
  • Network interception
  • Classes in TS
  • Constructor
  • Access modifiers
  • OOPS principles
  • Practical implementation in Playwright test script (Inheritance, Polymorphism etc)
  • Intro to POM
  • Refactor 1 existing script with POM
  • Implement Page actions
  • Creating Base Page
  • Implement common actions methods
  • Refactoring Test script with best practice
  • Role of test runner
  • Grouping
  • Filtering
  • Skipping
  • Only keyword
  • Test level configuration
  • Test Retry
  • Overriding config at test level
  • Overriding config at project level
  • Test Parameterization
  • Test Suite
  • Test Steps
  • Cross browser testing
  • Different type of reports
  • Global Setup / Tear down
  • Implement custom reporter by extending Playwright reporter
  • Clone repo from GitHub
  • Add GitHub action
  • Execute E2E pipeline
  • Clone repo from GitLab
  • Add gitlab .ci.yml file
  • Execute E2E pipeline
  • Selenium Grid integration with Playwright
  • Accessibility Testing
  • Implementing Test scripts without POM
  • Implement framework for your project (POM &Test runner & Reporter)
  • Add E2E suite to CI pipeline

Playwright JS Training Reviews

Enroll Now and Kick Start Your Playwright JS Journey

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Playwright training is a course or program that teaches developers and testers how to use Playwright, an open-source tool developed by Microsoft for automating web browsers and performing tasks such as end-to-end testing and web scraping.
In the Playwright JS training course, you will learn how to use Playwright to automate web browsers and perform tasks such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating pages. You will also learn how to write end-to-end tests to validate the functionality of your application and how to use Playwright's debugging tools to troubleshoot and fix issues in your scripts.
Some benefits of Playwright JS training include the ability to save time and resources by automating tasks such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating pages, improving the efficiency and reliability of your application by writing end-to-end tests, and troubleshooting and fixing issues in your scripts more quickly and effectively with Playwright's debugging tools.
Whether or not Playwright JS training is worth it will depend on your specific needs and goals. If you are a developer or tester looking to automate your workflows and improve the efficiency and reliability of your application, Playwright JS training could be a valuable investment.
If you are interested in learning more about the Playwright JS training offered by Testleaf and how it can benefit you and your organization, simply visit the Testleaf website and look for information on the course or program. If you have any questions or need more information, you can also contact Testleaf directly and a representative will be happy to assist you.

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